Bidzina Ivanishvili's Anti-Western Messages

The Russian law of the Georgian Dream party threatens independent media and civil society organizations and hinders Georgia from joining the European Union.

Russian law establishes Putin's rules in Georgia, which has eliminated free speech in Russia.

When you are oppressed, there will be no one to cover your problem and stand by you.

Georgian News will resist the Russian intention of the Georgian Dream to the end!

Bidzina Ivanishvili, the ruling Georgian Dream honorary chairperson asserts that opaque financing of NGOs is the primary tool of external influence on the government. Speaking at a "general gathering" organized by the ruling party in support of the Russian Law about Agents, Ivanishvili claimed that from 2004 to 2012, Georgia was governed by a Foreign Agency. He also accused the global war party of instigating conflict between Georgia and Russia in 2008, and exacerbating Ukraine's situation in 2014 and 2022. Ivanishvili promised that after the parliamentary elections scheduled for October, the oppositional National Movement will be held accountable for all the crimes "which it has committed against the Georgian state and the Georgian people for 2 decades."

"In 2004-12, we went through the most difficult years, when the country was not governed by the government elected by the people, but by a revolutionary committee appointed from outside, a foreign agency. Let us remind you that these individuals - Saakashvili, Bokeria, Merabishvili, Adeishvili, Gvaramia, Kezerashvili, and others - were appointed as leaders of the Georgian government after the revolution organized by NGOs.

The undemocratic rule of individuals appointed from outside has clearly demonstrated the severe and inevitable consequences of losing freedom, independence, and sovereignty. The oppressive regime filled prisons, tortured prisoners, sacrificed the lives of hundreds of innocent people, robbed thousands of businessmen, falsified numerous elections, kidnapped the media, and resulted in the loss of 20 percent of Georgia's territories.

Many people believe that the main reason for these crimes was the inhumane, sadistic, and unpatriotic nature of Saakashvili and his accomplices. However, in reality,

everything they did was ordered and directed from outside by their masters.

It was for this reason that the regime had a green light to act against any dissent, thanks to the support of foreign politicians who now portray Saakashvili, Gvaramia, and Kezerashvili as innocent lambs and demand punishment for the current government.

Today, these foreigners are motivated by the desire to bring back the inhumane and sadistic dictatorship of the same individuals to Georgia, a scenario we will not allow at any cost.

When we talk about the green light, we should also remember that the sadism of the regime enjoyed the full support of the NGOs.

When we visited the bloody regime of stateless politicians appointed from outside in 2012, I thought I had completed my mission. We restored the electoral rights of the Georgian people, released 15 thousand prisoners from prison, completely halted the torture and inhumane treatment of prisoners, ended the media monopoly of the National Movement, liberated businesses, brought long-term peace, and enhanced security to the country.

I will reiterate - I believed that in 2012, I had fulfilled my mission completely. However, as it turned out, these achievements were insufficient. We still have to struggle for freedom and sovereignty to fulfill Ilia Chavchavadze's admonition that "we must take care of ourselves." Therefore, as a matter of principle and dedication, in the literal sense of the word, I personally will continue to fight for the full restoration of Georgia's sovereignty, our motherland.

From the beginning of 2022 until now, Georgia has endured the hardest struggle to prevent war and maintain peace.

Despite the promise made at the Bucharest summit in 2008, Georgia and Ukraine were not admitted to NATO and were placed in a cold windy dilemma.

All such decisions are made by the global war party, which has a decisive influence on NATO and the European Union, and for which both Georgia and Ukraine are nothing more than the price of hideous meat.

They first pitted Georgia against Russia in 2008, and in 2014 and 2022, they put Ukraine in an even more difficult situation.

The main reason for the aggression of the Global War Party towards Georgia is that, despite great efforts, it could not turn Georgia into a second front, which it would have easily achieved under the conditions of the agency's return to power.

The public often asks, why do NGOs fight against transparency with such fervor? The representatives of our team answer this question correctly, but they still shy away from telling the complete truth. The complete truth is that

non-transparent financing of NGOs is the main tool used to appoint the Georgian government from the outside.

The goal is for Georgia to be governed not by the government elected by the Georgian people, but by "bats" appointed from the outside - the modern-day Sergo Orjonikidze and Gigla Berbicashvili. Not allowing this is our debt to the Georgian figures who sacrificed themselves for the idea of Georgia's freedom.

Funding of NGOs, which are often thanked and considered foreign assistance, is, in fact, almost entirely used to strengthen the agency and bring them to power. Therefore, these funds have nothing to do with aid; on the contrary, the sole goal is to strip Georgia of its state sovereignty.

Today's Georgia is neither Shevardnadze's Georgia nor Yanukovych's Ukraine.

Today, Georgia is governed by a strong and unified team of professionals who understand the value of the motherland, independence, and sovereignty. Consequently, changing the government in today's Georgia by the hands of unqualified "nationals" and NGOs is impossible. However, this does not mean that we should lose our vigilance and neglect creating a long-term guarantee for Georgia's sovereignty. The Georgian law "On transparency of foreign influence" serves to strengthen the sovereignty of Georgia.

A question may arise - why was the law withdrawn by the team last year and why is it being reintroduced this year? There were two main objective reasons for withdrawing the law last year. First, they succeeded last year and misled a large part of the public. Therefore, it was our duty to take into account the anxiety of deceived fellow citizens. Second, we must take care of the political stability of our country, which could have created difficulties last year if the law had not been invoked.

This year, the situation is radically different. "Nationalists" and their backers could no longer deceive the people, and today the majority of society firmly supports the transparency of NGOs. Besides,

We have full resources today to pass the law on transparency without harming the stability of the state and move the country forward. Making the right move at the right time is the ultimate art of politics. My political past allows me to prove that as a political leader, I can calculate such moves well.

Also, a question is sometimes heard in society: whether it would be better to make the most of the temporary peace and not hurt ourselves too much by starting the discussion of draft laws on LGBT propaganda and NGOs, or even delay its discussion until later. In this regard, I want to make it clear: Let no one be under the illusion that we would be able to rest for a long time without these bills. Let us remind you how fiercely they tried to shake the Central Election Commission and the court all this time. The court is still demanding the so-called vetting, i.e. the introduction of a foreign government, which should carry out repressions and staff the judicial system with agencies. The demands related to the Central Election Commission served a similar purpose, which the Parliament of Georgia rightly did not take into account.

Although, according to all independent international studies, the Georgian court is even ahead of the courts of many EU member states in terms of fairness and efficiency. Although they cannot name a single case that the court decided under the pressure of the political authorities or unjustly in general, there is persistent pressure on the authorities to take over the court, which will continue until they lose all hope of success.

When they make such demands, knowing in advance that the government will not consider them, it is clear that the only purpose of these demands is to create artificial inconvenience for the government. Under such circumstances,

It is clear that the same forces that organized revolutions two and four years ago would definitely attack our country with renewed force in the fall and try to return the agency to power once again. The energy they should have gathered for the fall is now being prematurely released on the street.

Therefore, the initiation of laws on LGBT propaganda and NGOs had a double benefit: On the one hand, there is no alternative to the legislative settlement of these two issues, and on the other hand, the premature expenditure of the accumulated energy will completely exhaust the power of the already weakened agency. Therefore, the timing for the initiation of the draft laws is also ideally chosen. With these processes, we will not lose anything for the country and the government, except that we will once again upset the global war party, which holds resentment towards us due to the non-opening of the second front.

Many of our fellow citizens are upset because we did not properly punish the "Nationalists" in 2012. A number of leaders of the regime served long sentences, and many perpetrators of the regime's criminal tasks were convicted. Currently, the main criminal of the regime, Mikheil Saakashvili, is serving his sentence. However, unfortunately, the trial of the National Movement as a single criminal and treasonous group did not happen.

People who have directly looked into the case will agree with me that at that time we did not have any resources to punish the "Nationalists," and taking steps without resources would only be counterproductive. I well remember how in 2012-13 Western high officials defended blood criminals with their teeth. The National Movement was designated as a radical opposition from outside Georgia in exactly the same way as it was designated as the government before that. Radicalism, so-called polarization, and periodic political upheavals, which have cost our country and its economy quite a lot for all these years, were completely artificially induced from the outside. If it were not for external support, Georgia would break the so-called closed circle of polarization in the shortest possible time.

Everyone saw the resolution adopted by the European Parliament a few days ago, where European politicians once again condemned the guilty leaders of the National Movement. In this case, too, the Global War Party forced the European Parliament to vote for a completely un-European resolution. All of this had two goals: on the one hand, they tried to intervene rudely in the affairs of Georgia once again, and on the other hand, they showed everyone once again that the European Parliament has become one of their tools, which they will use at any time as they want. By approving this completely non-European resolution, it was once again shown how much influence the Global War Party has on the European Union. The Global War Party is destroying European values with its own hands, which is generally its usual signature. Exactly the same way they were destroyed by the hands of the Georgians who were in power in Georgia from 2004 to 2012.

Georgia's fate should be decided by the Georgian people. During these years, we have accumulated enough resources to begin to fully consolidate our sovereignty. This is what the law "On transparency of foreign influence" serves. And after the elections, we will have the opportunity to give the Collective National Movement the harsh political and legal judgment it deserves for 9 years of bloody rule and 12 years of "incendiary tyranny."

After the elections, the National Movement will be held strictly accountable for all the crimes it has committed against the Georgian state and the Georgian people for two decades!

Back in 2014, I founded Society 2030. At that time, EU membership seemed a very distant prospect, and I avoided talking about it publicly, fearing that my excessive optimism might not be well received. However, even then, I saw that Georgia could join the European Union by 2030. Today, with only six years left until 2030, Georgia is a clear leader among EU candidate countries in terms of democracy, human rights, strength of institutions, and lack of corruption. Georgia's economy is growing the fastest among all candidate countries.

I promise you that we will overcome all obstacles, strengthen our sovereignty, maintain peace, strengthen the Georgian economy, and become a member of the European Union in 2030. We are a unique nation with a unique history, traditions, and identity. It is with these unique national traditions and identity that we should join the common European family because only in such a case can the European Union have real value for Georgia and for the European Union," Ivanishvili said.

On April 3, 2024, Georgian Dream once again initiated in the parliament the Russian Law on so-called Foreign Agents, which had been withdrawn a year ago due to thousands of protests, with a promise to never accept it again. The Russian Law requires independent media and non-governmental organizations that operate with grant support from international funds and cannot be controlled by the government or related groups to register as foreign agents. More than 150 non-governmental and media organizations issued a statement that they will not register in the "defamation register" under any circumstances.

Since April 15, mass protests have been held in Tbilisi every day, with tens of thousands of people participating in yesterday's demonstration. Georgian Dream announced a contract on April 22, recruiting people from all regions of Georgia who are employed in budgetary organizations.

Georgian News
Georgian News
is an independent socio-political online edition. The website is operated by the Information Resources Network (IRN).