Former Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia's party For Georgia will not sign the Georgian Charter proposed by the President. The party supports some of the reforms outlined in the charter; however, it does not agree with the notion of holding snap elections and establishing a provisional government.
Until now, the only opposition party that has refused to join the Charter is Girchi.
"After consulting with the President, we inform the public that the party Gakharia for Georgia fully supports the reforms initiated by the President, as stipulated in the Georgian Charter, and takes a political commitment to support their implementation.
As for the issue of holding extraordinary elections as provided for by the Charter and the formation of a temporary government, we believe that discussing this issue leads to a political and legal dead end. Talking about extraordinary elections undermines the significance of the October 26 elections as decisive. Our team cannot take responsibility for this issue or the formation of the government in the proposed form, and therefore, we cannot sign the presented document.
We understand the value of unity, but such unity must be based on a common goal. Today, that goal is primarily to hold elections in a free, fair, and competitive environment. Therefore, we consider it a primary task to unite in protecting the choices of Georgian citizens.
In protecting elections and rallying around that goal, the role of the President as the only remaining independent constitutional institution is crucial. The President should unify not only the political forces but also society, the youth, and our international partners around the goal of protecting the elections. Unity should be created around the President, transforming the national protest energy of society into a concrete action plan to protect the votes of Georgian citizens at the polling stations," said Member of Parliament Beka Liluashvili at today's briefing.
The leaders of the opposition parties signed the Georgian Charter today, June 3, at the Atoneli Palace. They have already been joined by Zurab Japaridze (Girchi - More Freedom), Elene Khoshtaria (Droa), Gia Gachechiladze (Green Movement), and Eka Beselia (For Justice).
Due to the change in Georgia's foreign policy and the situation in the country, the President of Georgia presented a unified action plan on May 26, Independence Day. The document envisages the formation of a temporary government after the October parliamentary elections, the implementation of reforms, and, subsequently, the holding of early parliamentary elections. As Salome Zourabichvili said, the steps mentioned in the Georgian Charter are necessary not only for Georgia's European integration but also for the establishment of a democratic and fair state.